The first week of Bemba class is over. I am so happy about the weekend. Althogh I enjoy the class its a lot to learn! Now the gramatical part started- Its just absolutely different than any language I learned! Imagine, there are 10 classes alone for nouns. So if you want to count a thing, person, its not just like 1,2,3,... you first have to figure out in which class the thing you want to count is in, and than you have to change the prefix of the counting number to each class, and even in the class its changes! ...
Now the hottest time of the year has started. My circulation is not working really good and my head thanks it to me with strong headache every day. So I was absolutely happy about the unexpected rain yesterday. Normally the rain starts around Dezember. But God was merciful on me. I just enjoyed the cool wet thing coming from above.
Here is a picture about the group from the Fenza" Wlcome to Zambia Course". We had lessons from a Traditional healer, about Satanism, Politics,... and we even took part on a Initiation Rite.
It has been a really nice group. Only some of us continouing now with the languages Njanja and Bemba.
PS: Thanks for praying for the elctions. All in All it went smoothly!
1 Kommentar:
Juhu Izzy, endlich kann ich mal wieder meine und auch deine Blog lesen. Toll, dass deine Klassen so gut laufen. Ich kann voll mitfühlen mit den Sprachgewöhnung :-) Denk an dich! Sei gesegnet! Sarah
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