Das war mal ne voll coole Hausaufgabe.
Der Auftrag war folgender:
On Tuesday, visit one of the places of interest in Toronto.
Wir bekamne eine Liste mit den wichtigesten und schönsten Plätzen und sollten dann auswählen.
Natürlich war das noch nicht alles..
find out and note down
- the location
- How you got there
- Admission fees and opening hours
- One thing that impressed you most
- One thing that you disliked
- What did it tell you about the Canadian culture?
- What did it tell you about the canadian history?
- What was interesting about its architecture?
- What kinds of people did it attract?
- Would you recommend this place?
Write a report and present to the rest of the class.
Und so gings dann am Dienstag in den Zoo von Toronto. Juhu
Hier ein paar pictures von dem gigantischen Gelände und den Tieren die dort wirklich gut untergebracht sind.
Und wer will darf sich meinen Bericht gerne mal auf Englisch durch lesen ;)
Our day in the Zoo
The Toronto Zoo is located in the east. Nortly from the Highway 401. He is set in the beautiful Rouge Valley. We went there by subway and by bus. Our guide book said we should take the subway to sheppard and than the bus 85B to the zoo. But when we arrived at sheppard station we couldn't find the bus station. So we asked for help. A man told us where the next bus stop is. and so we took the next bus and droved to Don Mills subway station there we had to change for another bus which droved us to Meadowvale, directly to the zoo.
The busdriver was very friendly and told us that there is a better way to go to the so than we choosed. He asked us from where we are and meant we should take the bus Nr. 86 back home.
The enght of the trip to the zoo amounted to 2 hours. For the way back just 1 hour.
The general admission is from the age 13-64 and ammonts normally 21 Dollar. But we paid only 17 Dollar because we own a metropass, and so we got a price reduction. Seniors have to pay 15$ and chidrens 13 $( But only children about 3 have to pay)
The zoo opens in the morning at 9.30. He closes at 6pm. The last admissions are at 5pm. Next week they are going to close at 4.30pm.
The most imression thing? It's not so easy because the whole day was so wonderful. But I think, maybe the landscape was very great. It's totaly different to germany. Sarah and I were astonished at the nice area and the fantastically invested zoo.
One thing we could not understand was that only 2 of the many snackbars were open.
We learned many things about animals from Kanda ond from all over the world. Sarah reports you more about the animals after me.
The architectural style of some buildings in the zoo was very great and funny. They builded african bush houses and other special houses. I think this zoo is not only for familys and chidrens. Everybody who like the nature and animals, this is the right place to go. I would reccomend it everyone. For people who have problems to walk there is a zoomobil woh drives you arround. But you have to pay for it seperate 7 dollar.
It was a very nice day even we were so tired after our trip. We just came home in the evening at 7 pm.
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