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6th April 2011to 22th April (parts out of my newsletter)
today was again one of my weekly visits in the Mungwiclinic. This times are always
very special for me. When I am wearing my nurse uniform and I am walkingt the
small path to the clinic, it feels soo good.
How I have been missing it to work as a nurse. Well, I am still not allowed to work
fully yet. It didn't work out with my temporary workpermit, so I am just allowed to go
and observe and from time to time to give a helping hand.
Last wednesday a midwife taught me how I have to examine pregnant women, how to
hear the heartbeat of the baby, how to meassure the fundus, the Zervix and all the
other things which I need to do myself when I will work in Nabwalya. That was really
Although this Mungwiclinic is a bigger „bush“ clinic still a lots of material is missing.
So today the clamps for the umbilical cord were out of stock and a piece of gauze had
to help out in cutting off an umbilical cord after a delivery. I was reminded of my
time in Paraguay, where I had to deliver a baby in a bush shack with only two cotton
strings and blade which was not any more sterile.
Today was a bit chaotic at the clinic, I helped out often, simply because there was so
much to do. Many emergencies came in. From a child we thought it will die. His
condition was so bad. It was unconscious, did not react. Malaria in the fourth stage!
Many of the patients come with 40.5 C°fever! It was great, that we have at least
again quinine (a malaria drug).
Weeks before it was gone in the whole country- just finished! Many people died
because of Malaria.
We sit down together with the relatives at the bed of this young boy, after we gave
him the intravenous fluid and medicine we prayed together with the mother and
After half an hour we could already see an improvemnet! That was so great!
Apart from that we had to be really creative this day- many other medicine, agents and
dressing material there just didn't exist.
So a piece of carton become a cradle for an arm. Also for an ascites puncture there
was not at all the equipment we would have needed. But with lots of creativity you
can do many things.
I am now absolutely tired and exhausted but fullfilled, finally to did something
helpful. The study all the time its costing me so much energy. I wished the exam
would be behind me allready (Of course with a „passed“)
From Signs, rules and the Sambian Driver licensce
Since February I am trying to get my sambian drivers license. It all came totally differnet
than everybody were telling me. Neither the highwaycode which consists of 10
general rules nor the practical exam I should have be doing in the beginning.
Instead I was given a paper which I should fill in. A writen exam about 300 traffic
signs. I say you, more of half of them I have never seen before in my life! And of
course not here in Zambia. I could chose if I do the test immediately or later.
So I decided first to study this signs- but there was a new problem, they didn't have
the book where this signs are in.
In the meantime I am thinkink I should have done this exam the first time they offered
me, because all the other time from that moment I tried to to it they told me I need this
paper, and the next time another paper was missing. I have stopped to count the times
I had been to this office. You must know, when there was nobody to drive me over
there i had to walk – a 1 hour walk!
All the other missionaries didn't need all the papers they send my to get.My NRC card
which is a kind of identity card was almost more difficult to get than any other stuff.
Since weeks I have been trying to get it, had been send to this office, then they send
my back to the same office,... I almost got crazy!
Finally I got my NRC card. I don't know if the Asterix and Obelix movies exist also in
English- when than you have to watch the series where Aterix and Obelix capture
Rom. It is about a passanger bill A 38 which doesn't exist in the end. If you watch this,
you will see how I felt the last weeks.
all's well that ends well
Since yesterday I am finally a happy owner of the Sambian driver license. After the
written exam which cotet me so many nerves and I almost failed! (They wanted me to
fail inspite the right answers!) and I had to do spontaneously the practical driving
exam as well. Here you have to bring your own car to the exam. Too bad that I don't
have my own car. But I could borrow me one from other Missionarys- a huge car. But
I practiced allready in America to drive a big car when I was there with the
Impactteam last year, so it wasn't a real problem. So the examiner was speechless that
I could drive so well, even to start on a hill. He told me that he actually wanted to kick
me off at that point!
With the Ungarian doctor I am going every sunday to differnet Bush churches,
sometimes and more often we also go to Mungwi. Ther services aren't easy. You have
to plan on at least 5 hours!And I do not understand a single sentence because they are
all to 98% in Bemba.
Not long ago I just took my guitar with me once and thaught the children an english
song. Just before the service in th sunday school (Here the sunday school takes place
before the service and the children are joning the adults afterwards in the complete
I felt finally usefull teaching and singing with the children. I asked God to give me
something to do and he gave me this small task. The children liked the song , so am I.
We performed it on the eastersonday. Since then I hear many people in the village,
singing this song, not only the children but also the adults. :)
I love watrefalls. There are not much more things I love so much. I didn't know in
advance that Sambia is the country of waterfalls! There are so many of them. I am
allways so astonished how God created so beautiful things! Some weeks ago I could
join an other missionary family which were going to the Chichimbafalls. The falls are
only 35 km from Kasama. It's just a paradise! They are so untouched , so natural!
There where even barely barriers, so you could go in the water, even swimming was
allowed at own risk.
3 Kommentare:
So great to hear from you Isi! Congratulations on your drivers' lisence. We're glad to hear that you get to do at least some practical nursing as you continue to study. We pray for lots of patience and a quick mind to learn all you need to learn.
We miss you infectious smile.
The wilsons
Hallo Izzy, habe den Rundbrief ja schon auf deutsch gelesen. Allerdings finde ich das Bild auf deinem Blog, auf dem du im Godi Gitarre spielst, einfach klasse! Der Rock ist auch super :-)
Sei gesegnet! Sarah
Hi Ursi, thankyou so much. I can need every prayer at this time! Hope you are fine!?
@ Sarah Oh ja der pinke Rock- eigentlich ja nicht unbedingt meine Lieblingsfarbe, aber der gehört tatsächlich zu meinen Lieblingsröcken ;) Ist sehr bequem und eben Fußbodenlang- so wie ich es liebe. Ist immer schön von dir zu lesen
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