Diese Snickers gibt es gerade bei uns- es war auch eines der kleinen Ermutigungen die ich für meine Prüfung hatte. BELIVE! Oh was für eine Zusage.
Every day it got worse. And then it was already there, the day of the test. All the others had their "general exame" two weeks ago. And they did all well. So I had a little pressure on me, although my test is a different and more difficult one.
The night before the test, Paul, a volunteer of the Matthewhouse offered that he would drive me to the college were I should have the test. I gladly accepted this offer.
So I didn’t have to go at 6.00 am., The college was at the end of Toronto. By train, bus or tram, it would have taken me over an hour. But so it took us a little more than half an hour.
While I was waiting for register me I met a lot of nice people and we had nice conversations. That helped me to come down. The first part was a 30 min Listeningtest. It was quite difficult and challenging to understand all the words and sentences.
The second part was a reading test. Also not so easy but ok.
The writing part was always one of my favourite one and I finished it in time. The Speaking part was my big fear. I always prayed that I will not get a blackout. I was the first person which had to make the test. When I went in the room there was a nice examiner. First of all I had to introduce myself and we had a kind of small talk. That wasn’t really hard. After that I got a nice toppic about roomates and neighbours. I had 1 minute time to write and than I startetd. But than something really special happened to me. In the room was a blackout and it was absolutly dark. I couldn't read what I had written. The examiner was confused and he apologized thousand times. It was really embarrassing for him. I just asked if I should go on and so i did, even I couldn`t read what I had written.
The whole situation helped me to come down, because it was really funny. I laughed so much. After some minutes we had light again and the rest of the exame went well.
So I thoght God has really humor. I always was afraid of a Blackout. And now God used it for my best ;) like Paul wrote it in Romans 8,28. Everything is for our best! :)
So overall I am satisfied. But I am not sure if I achieved the 7.5
Thanks to all who prayed for me and gave me support in any way.Especially
God who gave me the srength.
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