One simple carpenter...
He was born in a little village, the child of a peasant
He learned to be a carpenter, and worked in his
father's carpentry business until he was thirty years
Then he spent three years as an itinerant preacher,
telling people about God and God's love.
He never wrote any book.
He never held any office.
He never went to a university.
He never had a family or a house of his own.
He never travelled more than 200 miles from the place
he was born.
He never commanded a great army and never won
any wars - for he opposed violence.
He was always loving towards his fellow-humans -
even his enemies.
When he was only thirty-three years old, public
opinion turned against him.
His friends betrayed and deserted him.
He was turned over to his enemies and endured
taunting and spitting at his trial.
Despite being innocent, he was nailed to a cross
between two common criminals.
When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave.
But the story of this man does not end here...
By his death and resurrection people were freed from
Since then, many centuries have come and gone...
All armies ever to have marched,
all ships ever to have sailed the seas,
all parliaments that ever sat,
all kings that ever reigned,
... have not had such a profound influence on the
people of this planet as did this carpenter's life.
Give him some influence over your life,
and you will see miracles happen.
One simple carpenter...
Text: after »One Solitary Life« by James Allan Francis (1926)
Images: istockphoto.com, The Passion of The Christ
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